Have you noticed that we rarely have deep conversations about our lives, dreams, fears, and instead, tend to do small talks? It seems challenging to learn the essence of the person and find a soulmate these days, doesn't it? What if we have a tool that helps us to ask the correct questions and encourage ourselves and a second person to bare the soul?
The "Tell Me More App" provides you with a list of thousand questions which through mutual vulnerability, sincerity and self-disclosure enables you to get to know the person's soul, mind, and heart. This fun game boosts intimacy, fosters closeness, and builds unique friendships and relationships. There is no better way to connect with another person than by opening up to deep conversations!
The app includes thought-provoking questions exposing personality; questions about life experiences, childhood, values, opinions, approach to love and career, and many, many more. Perfect for first dates, hang-out time with friends, and chillout evenings with your partner.

Perfect for first dates
Fundamental questions helping to learn the basics about the individual's personality
Where did you grow up and what was your family like?
Could you spend a whole weekend by yourself? Would you be bored? / What would you do?
If you could invite any living person to dinner (celebrity, businessman, etc.), who would it be and why?
Perfect for friends & couples
Deeper questions about goals, values, personal concerns, life experiences, and relationships
If you could learn one single thing about your future, what would you like to know?
What are the best examples of "what goes around, comes around" that you have witnessed in your life?
What or who does have a great influence on you? Why?
Perfect for best friends & couples
Intimate questions about life experiences and lessons, personal strivings and endeavors
What events and experiences helped you become more mature as a person?
What is the most embarrassing thing that you have posted on social media?
Have you ever been secretly happy with someone's failure?